Benefits of Pre-Workouts

Whether you’re new to home workouts, or just getting into your fitness journey, you’ve more than likely heard of pre-workout. This supplement is a mix of vitamins, amino acids and caffeine. Whilst taking a pre-workout is not essential, research shows that taking this supplement before a workout has a whole bunch of benefits…

  1. Boosts Energy

Life is busy and with so much going on in a day it’s sometimes difficult to give 100% of your energy whilst training either early morning or after a long day at work… We get it! The Vitamin C, B6 & B12 found in LEAN Pre-workout can help give you that boost you need to not only get through your workout, but also excel in it! Plan to take your pre-workout 15-30 minutes before training so it kicks in just when you need it most!

  1. Improves focus & concentration

Natural caffeine found in the LEAN Pre-workout will help get you in the zone when training, without giving you the jitters. Maintaining focus during a workout is key. This focus and concentration will allow mind-muscle connection, as well as regulate your muscle performance better during your workout so you can get the most out of your session. This will not only make you feel accomplished but also allow you to get better results.

  1. Supports muscle performance

Creatine Monohydrate, which is found in LEAN Pre-workout, is known to support muscle performance during your workout, meaning your muscles will be functioning optimally to increase lean muscle mass and help you recover faster.. Think of this as like a turbo boost for your muscles! 

  1. Increases blood flow

LEAN Pre-workout contains Beetroot powder, which fosters the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide increases blood flow around your body. Better blood flow means better circulation, meaning oxygen & nutrients will be flowing freely to your muscles. This is ideal to aid in the growth of lean muscle mass, as well as recovery. Bonus - a quicker recovery also means you’ll be able to work out more, therefore leading to quicker results!

  1. Increased motivation aids in fat loss

Many people find that when they’re lacking in motivation or are low on energy, training seems like a job, and a difficult one at that… By taking pre-workout many people find that it gives them the energy boost they need to take on a workout. Pre-workout will increase your stamina whilst training, which in turn will have you burning more calories, putting you in a calorie deficit and aiding in weight loss.

LEAN Pre-workout is packed with so many beneficial ingredients and it’s sweetness comes from real fruit juice powder. This is the no-nasties energy boost that you’ve been looking for! Pre-workout is by no means essential, but with so many benefits we’re thinking “why not?”. Let’s turn up the heat and get ready for the most energetic workouts ever!

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