Happy Feaster- New Easter Recipe, Chocolate Avocado Mousse

The Easter countdown is on and I’m so excited to bring you a brand-new chocolate inspired recipe that will change your entire Easter experience.

Following the most incredible Iceland Feaster event last week, I left with so many new recipe ideas and Easter treats. I can’t wait to share with you!

A day packed full of yummy chocolate treats, new recipes demonstrated by Iceland’s Head Chef, Neil Nugent, and surrounded by so many inspiring food bloggers & influencers, I left one very happy, and full lady.

Feaster 2.JPG

Naturally with my major sweet tooth, one of my favourite treats of the day has was Iceland'sLuxury Raspberry & Pistachio Layered Pavlova with a raspberry sauce. It will 100% be featured in this year’s family Easter spread.

Luxury Raspberry & Pistachio Layered Pavlova

Luxury Raspberry & Pistachio Layered Pavlova

A close second place went to a new recipe demonstrated by the incredible Neil Nugent:

Scotch Cakes

What exactly are scotch cakes?

Well I actually came up with the name myself as it’s the best way of descibing them.

Scotch cakes are quite simply the most delicious mix between a scotch egg & fish cake.

Scotch Cakes

Scotch Cakes

Neil shared his secrets to how to poach the dreamiest egg, using a pin to pierce the shell before placing into simmering water for 8 minutes.

This dish was made using Icelands potato pellets, salmon, eggs, breadcrumbs, parsley and some cling film. This was then beautifully presented with a side of mustard mayo, and cream cheese sauce in the shape of a fried egg.

Health benefits: this dish is absolutely packed full with protein, low fat and a gluten free version by replacing the breadcrumbs with gluten free bread crumbs

(The full recipe will be coming to my recipe page very soon. Watch this space, and subscribe if you haven’t already)

Scotch egg with mustard mayo and cream cheese sauce

Scotch egg with mustard mayo and cream cheese sauce

Chocolate Avocado & Honeycomb Mousse

Finally, the bit that you have all been waiting for.

I took inspiration from this event using Iceland's Avocado Halfs, popping it together with a whole load of chocolate & protein, to make the perfect post workout fix!

Hit the link here to try out my Chocolate Avocado & Honeycomb Mousse

x Enjoy x


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