Summer BBQ Inspo- How Can I Stay Healthy & Still Enjoy Yummy Food?

This is one of my most commonly asked questions, how can I stay fit and healthy but still enjoy my summer? With summer just a few days away I wanted to share some of my experiences with you all.

Whether you are abroad or at home this summer, BBQ season is fast approaching and that means more delicious food, drink, holidays and parties.

Last week during our mini heat wave in London, I was fortunate enough to have been invited along to Iceland Foods: Summer BBQ, where I got to try out the brand-new BBQ range put together by award winning chef Neil Nugent.

To say that this was a great BBQ is an massive understatement, it basically changed my entire look on how to host a BBQ. And, it’s safe to say I’m taking control of the BBQ this summer.

Below I have featured some of my favourite and incredibly innovative ideas & dishes from the day.

I want to start off with Iceland’s No Bull Burger

I was so happy to see that Iceland had a vegetarian burger option that wasn’t quorn.

I mean I have nothing against quorn, but it can get a bit boring. The No Bull Burger is a vegan, plant based burger that looks like meat, but is actually made of Soya protein, red beetroot extract and paprika extract, along with many other healthy ingredients.

Neil served the burger in a bun with a BBQ grilled pepper stuffed with quinoa and vegetables.

This is possible one of the best BBQ dishes I have ever tasted, and it was so nice to feel at ease that there was a food option I could eat, while meat eaters were also happy.

With that said, speaking to my meat eating friends who were also at the event, they loved the burger too- so that says a lot!

Click to try the No Bull Burgers for yourself. Ps. Added bonus, they are only £1 each.

Another highlight of the day for me was dessert (shock) and this treat was something like no other. Neil served up cheesecake with a side of BBQ grilled pineapple. Who would have thought to put chopped pineapple on a BBQ, but trust me- it worked. The pineapple pieces were sprayed with this magic dressing whilst cooking on the BBQ:  ½ water, ½ sugar, loads of lime and a chilli

This was then  served up with Iceland’s cheesecake & covered with a delicious raspberry sauce. We actually didn’t see how this was prepared, but I’ve made raspberry compote before by blending Iceland’s frozen raspberries with a dash of honey.

On to my last favourite invention of the day by Neil- have you ever considered quesadillas on a BBQ? If you haven’t they are a must as these are going to change your entire BBQ game- read on!

Talk about think outside the box, Neil loaded up a 3-layer quesadilla packed full with cheese and guacamole, cooked on the BBQ to melt the cheese, crisp the bread and give that delicious BBQ taste. Cut into triangle shapes and served with a wedge of lime and more guacamole, this is delicious.

So I hope that's given you all some new BBQ ideas for this summer.

To check out the entire BBQ range, head over to Iceland's website where you can literally find everything.

Last little tip of mine, as many of you would have seen on my instagram, 2 days ago I travelled to Dubai to begin the start of my 6 weeks travelling around Asia as of tomorrow.

On my instagram stories, I mentioned that I do not eat plane food as I feel it effects my body badly, I get bloated and often quite sore. Instead I prep and take my own food onto the plane. For my London to Dubai flight I prepped citrus, coriander and peppercorn tuna steak on zesty bean quinoa . This entire recipe took under 15 mins to prep, was so easy to make and cost under £5. Food for thought, right?

I hope that helps and enjoy guys and girls. Any  questions, I'm always available on my instagram.

See you soon xx

As you all know I travel a lot with work and trying to maintain some sort of routine can often be difficult.

That’s why I have certain steps in place that I follow


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